Product options designed for maximum efficiency in different material and cutting processes;
The type of material used in CO2 laser cutting machines and the power of the machine are important factors for the optical life of the lens. During the cutting process, a part of the laser beam passing through the lens and focusing is absorbed by the lens. As a result of this absorption, the heated lens expands and optical focusing distance changes. The efficiency of the lens decreases over time. If the machine which is using the lens is a high power machine designed for cutting thick mateials; the energy absorbed by the lens will increase and the decrease in efficiency will accelerate. Since the reflection is high in materials such as aluminum and stainless steel, the beam passing over the lens will reflect back and cause the lens to heat more.
In order to minimize these factors, there are 3 different lens options devoloped by Ophir.

- Focusing lens made of high quality ZnSe substrate
- High Durability
- ≤ %0.2 Absorption
- OEM approved
- Available mounted or non- mounted
- Available for all common laser machines

- Focusing lens made of high quality ZnSe substrate
- Radioactive- free coating*
- ≤ %0.15 Absorption ( guaranteed )
- Highest durability available
- Humidity resistant
- Superior cost/ benefit ratio
- High resistance to back spatter
- Ideal for cutting aluminum and stainless steel

- Focusing lens made of high quality ZnSe substrate
- Radioactive- free coating*
- ≤ %0.13 Absorption ( guaranteed )
- Designed specifically for high power laser systems
- Superior focus stability
- Transparent for red laser pointer
- Longer life expactancy at strained working conditions