New Standard Top Tools
Tools that are compatible with all Wila top clamping systems are designed with Safety-Click® or safety pins. Safety-Click®; it is a system developed by Wila, which facilitates the attachment and removal of the tools to the clamp by means of a mechanism consisting of buttons with nail parts for each tool weighing up to 12.5 kg. With the help of Safety-Click®, you can remove your tools from anywhere and fix them to any area. You can also use your tools bidirectionally according to your project.
New Standard tools; manufactured from a special CrMo steel alloy. Special alloy steel is cut into desired lengths and sizes after being brought to the factory in billets. Afterwards, the induction hardening (Deephardening®) heat treatment is applied and the material strength is maximized. Due to the induction hardening heat treatment, the areas exposed to the most force on the tools are; they are strengthened by penetrating to the depths of the material, not superficially. As a final process, the tolerance settings and checks are made; It is an important factor in the perfect final shape of the tools.
New Standard Bottom Tools
The bottom tools, like the upper tools, are subjected to induction hardening at the bending points. This means that the support points are not easily worn and you can use the tools for many years.With the V-Lock® design, the alignment of the lower tools with respect to the upper tools is excellent. Specially designed pins are inserted into the groove at the bottom of the tool, thus achieving full alignment in X and Y axis.