There are many different types of machines available for sheet metal bending. Different tool types can be used in different machine types. Ukb produces suitable tools for different tool types. The factory is located in Burbach, Germany.
Currently the most widely used tool type in the market is the Promecam tooling system. In this system there is 8,4 mm wide channel in the connection area of the upper tool. The machine upper clamping? fixes the tool using this channel and performs the bending process.The tools are placed on the right or left side of the upper clamping and placed on desired area and the bolts on the upper clamping are tightened and fixed.
Different holder system have been developed because these processes create a lot of time loss during tool change. There are also transition adapters and extension holders to use different tool types together.
In the Ukb promecam system compatible tools 42CrMo4, 1.2312 or C45 materials can be used in accordance with the tool geometry. And the bending point are hardened to 52-55 Hrc values.